– Special signals for servo motors: INP and ERC
– INP: Signal generated when the servo motor completes the tuning state
– ERC:Signal used by the servo motor for an emergency stop action. Output by the control card
– A digital input point on the servo drive (clearance signal for the deviation counter of the servo drive)
– Function: When the servo drive receives this signal, it immediately clears the deviation counter value within the drive, making it 0. This causes the servo motor to stop immediately
– Mainly used in scenarios like:
– Completion of homing (zeroing)
– Activation of left and right limits
– When the ALM signal is established
– When the EMG signal is established
– General axis control DI logic settings, such as SD/LTC
– SD:Sensor used in the mechanism, mainly for detecting physical touches and reducing speed
– LTC:Sensor used in the mechanism, mainly for detecting physical touches and capturing the current position of the axis